For today’s mental health conscious, it is no longer a taboo to seek help, it’s a right. And thankfully, people are dealing with issues sooner and thus leading more fulfilling lives.

So in doing my bit to help others, I am please to announce the release of the Hypnott app, with growing catalogue of hypnotic recordings. See if your ailment is covered yet and check back often to see what’s new.

Hypnosis opens communication directly to the subconscious mind, and through positively worded suggestions, you can update thought patterns, habits and reestablish acceptable levels of emotions. Thus overcoming avoidance behaviours, maladaptive thought processes or crippling emotions.

I know hypnosis can be a bit like Marmite, and often when I mention hypnosis, it evokes some sort of reaction, but love it or hate it, it may just be the answer that you have been looking for.

It is natural, kind and gentle, yet it can be powerful and life changing. There are so many ailments which can be helped and here’s a short list of common ones, but there are so many more:

  • Quit smoking
  • Weight Management
  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety
  • Tinnitus
  • Let go of Fears and Phobias
  • Change Unhelpful Habits

Completely Natural

There are no toxins, medicines, or pollutants of any kind. No recovery period is required and rarely does anyone experience any adverse side affects. (Read the contraindications). Hypnosis naturally complements today’s health conscious lifestyle and is commonly practiced by millions of people around the world. Why not give it a try?


Prepare yourself with our “Pretalk”, which lets you know what to expect and provides some tips to help you have a fantastic hypnotic experience.

Deep Dive into Hypnosis

Want to know more?


When not to be hypnotised…

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