Expected of You


Prepare your environment

Find a quiet space, where you are unlikely to be disturbed and can sit or lie-down. Note that if you are sitting and deeply relaxed, there should be enough support to keep you from falling off the chair or bed. Your legs and arms should not be crossed or resting in such a way as to restrict circulation or to put pressure on any the nerve which could result in a numbness. Once in hypnosis you may be in that position for the entire duration of the recording and may not be aware that your leg or arm has fallen asleep. This could result in tingling, numbness, and occasionally some mild discomfort.

Before you begin take care of any distractions (further details below) and allow yourself time afterwards to become grounded.

People are usually surprised by how long they are hypnotised as subjectively time slows down. A 30 minute session may only feel like 5 minutes to someone who was hypnotised.

Remove Distractions

One common misconception is that hypnosis is sleep, when actually, it is the opposite. The mind becomes hyper aware, fully focused and can become so internally focused that it seems that the external environment fades from your conscious awareness. To an onlooker, the subject appears to be asleep.

So, as you enter hypnosis, your environment,  your body or even your mind, can begin to distract you and if you find it preventing you from entering hypnosis, know that this will pass.  So to give yourself the best possible hypnotic experience start by minimising or removing these.

Sources of distraction
  • Noisy environment
  • Conscious of being disturbed
  • Being hungry or too full
  • Sitting or lying in an uncomfortable position
  • Tight or constrictive clothing / Jewellery
  • Remove eye contact lenses
  • Have a toilet break before you start
  • Feeling anxious or fearful
  • Wanting it too much*

Once in hypnosis, distractions will naturally fade away and can be nullified further through suggestions. A bit of as chicken and egg situation… The best advice I can give you is to go easy on yourself. Relax and let it happen. Use the different inductions and deepeners, until you find the right one for you. After you have been hypnotised a handful of times and you, can expect to enter hypnosis easily. Start with the expectation of having fun and experiencing something wonderful and you will do wonderfully.

* Fear is the single biggest blocker of letting yourself go into hypnosis. Often excitement is mistaken for anxiety. Listening to the Introduction to Hypnosis can help to minimise any latent fear.

** Yes even wanting it too much can get your mind reeling, asking questions like, is it working? I don’t feel any different, what am I doing it right? Can I be hypnotised… round and round. Stop, take a deep breath, quieten your mind, exhale and just let it happen!

Select a positive goal

Usually people come to therapy with a perfectly well-formed understanding of what they do not want. They don’t want this or that habit, behaviour or thought. They will tell you in minute detail what it stops them doing, how it makes them feel and how terrible it is. They are focused on the very thing they do not want.

So we always start with a little question. “What do you want to feel or do instead&qout;. There is usually followed by a moment of silence while they search their mind’s to determine an answer. It is usually such a foreign way of thinking that it takes a while, working together to create a positive, realistic and achievable goal.

Having such a goal, helps us to track progress and provides the client with a new and empowering idea and set of behaviours to focus on. This often activates the subconscious mind to start to find its own new ways of thinking and quite often, is the kick start that is needed. It is a powerful tool, so use it and take the time to think about, what you want from change and whether you are focusing on what you want to change or what you want to change to?

… During …

Expect to Change

People often make the mistake of trying to force themselves to change, setting unrealistic expectations and expecting instant results. When nothing is perceived as forthcoming they give up and start the next “quick fix” that will give them what they want. What most people tend to forget is that they have had years, if not decades, establishing their current streams of thoughts and behaviours.

Now, change can happen in a heartbeat. It starts with a single thought, an idea, which grows into an expectation. With the right motivation it creates action and before you know it change is happening. It flows, like water down a mountain, that started as a trickle, joining with other aligned thoughts, it turns into an powerful unstoppable river. For this to happen it takes time. and needs to be allowed to flow, to build up momentum, to find its course.. 

Hypnosis works on the underlying ideas and is remarkably gentle and subtle. Most people realise something has changed, but can’t quite put their finger on it, yet they still get their desired results. To get the most out of hypnosis, use your own natural inclinations, be kind to yourself and expect to change naturally, while giving yourself the gift of time.

The Gift of Time

Time is an important part of any change. Time to be ok with changing, time to notice a change and time to appreciate the change. Have you ever considered what you’re trying to change? Is it a unconscious behaviour? As you may well be aware, the purpose of the subconscious mind is to take on repetitive tasks, which allows the conscious mind to focus on new and important tasks. What most people don’t realise, is that once a pattern or habit has taken hold, the subconscious mind will continue with that pattern/behaviour until it is replaced by a new one. If you think of the subconscious mind as a child. Once they behave in a certain way and you want to change that behaviour. You need to help them understand and more importantly, you need to offer them a better alternative. Or they will just continue doing what they know. You also need to give them time to get used to the new way of doing things. Understanding to allow them to make mistakes and encouragement to help them stay the course. At some point they’ll decide that they like the new pattern better and your job is done. If they don’t, lasting change is unlikely to happen. Forcing a change is like upsetting the child and you do so at your own peril…

Let it happen

You will most likely find hypnosis really enjoyable. It is a relaxing dreamy state, not unlike daydreaming, where your mind it free to wonder. Positive suggestions are given while in this wonderful peaceful state. Although you can always listen in and try to analyse them consciously, they are actually instructions for your subconscious mind to learn and act upon. So it is perfectly fine for your mind to wander.

In today’s busy world we often do not get time to relax as much as we want to and so hypnosis may help you achieve levels of relaxation which you have not experienced in a while. Take the opportunity, to let yourself relax and enjoy the experience

I have seen times where the subject tries to control the situation. There may be many reasons why they may want to do this. They may be afraid, or they may not wish to relinquish control. Whatever the reason they do not let go and let it happen. Yes you can do that too, and you may be all powerful resisting the hypnotist. In reality you are resisting yourself and showing that you are not free to let go. Hypnosis is not something the hypnotist does, but rather it is a state you allow yourself to experience. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and you may choose to participate or not. It is your decision.


Have you ever wondered, how easy it is to allow your mind to wander or wonder about how wonderful it is to relax. Let the recording be your guide, let your mind wander freely and enjoy the experience. It may be new, it may be exciting. And as with any new skill it gets easier with practice. Some people are more natural, than others, others take a little longer. Let your mind guide you and listen to it. If something feels wrong, don’t force yourself, stop and determine what is holding you back, before continuing and you will find you have a fantastic experience.

… After Care


After the session allow yourself to fully emerge from hypnosis before continuing with your day. If at any time you wish to exit from hypnosis, press the “Emerge” button. This immediately ends the session and provides suggestions for emerging and reorientation with your current environment.

If you find that your thinking is slightly sluggish, you may not yet have emerged completely. You can help yourself by providing your own suggestions. Like saying in your mind or out loud, “I feel refreshed, relaxed, alert and ready to carry on with my day”. Say it in an animated way and this will help you to orientate in the present. Remember, it was just your imagination which went on a journey, so imagine yourself here and now.

Give yourself a moment to become orientated in the present. If this is your first time, understand that everyone is different and people can have all sorts of reactions the first time. Some of them powerful, some of them subtle. There really is no correct way to respond. It is right, because it is your reaction. If you’re not used to it or if you have experienced something emotionally powerful, give yourself some extra time to become grounded.

All Emotions are Valid

I have seen many different reactions, from crying, relief, joy. If this is the first time you have been hypnotised, notice the emotions, be grateful and accepting of them. They part of you…

Sometimes it these emotions have been repressed for a long time and it helps to take it slow. Have some tea, relax, go for a walk… reflect. When I was first hypnotised I noticed how much brighter colours were. It was like a burden had lifted and I felt light and happy.

Noticing Change

Be open to noticing any changes. What has changed? How do you feel about it. In a normal therapy session we check in. Find out what was liked, what you want more of, what you were okay with and what you did not like. Over the course of a few sessions we look to find out what you want and how we can be of help. Sometimes it takes a few days for emotions to surface or for the penny to drop. Your mind is unique to you, so accept what it gives to you.

As these are recording, you are to become your own nurturing force. Give yourself positive, supportive suggestions and let yourself be human. Acknowledge what you want to change and let yourself change. Ask yourself, is this the best change for me? What other changes may be better?